"Tomorrow Never Knows" in the Teesta Review, Vol 7 No 1, edited by celebrated author/poet Bob D'Costa. The theme is: The Void, an idea I was introduced to by John Lennon's track, "Tomorrow Never Knows" (Revolver --1966), and have explored, wittingly or un-, ever since. My story borrows the title and takes it underwater. Many thanks, Bob D'Costa, for the great issue, and for including my homage.
is rising to the surface. Here's a first look at the cover. It will become a material object in the next couple of weeks, and we'll launch it at the New York Writers Workshop in Kathmandu / Himalayan Literature Festival on May 27-28. Here's one of its poems:
Eight Ideas on a Night Dive Some impurities can make water clearer. —Dean Young That black has depth you can’t see but feel That black is the opium of the imagination That forms come out of nothingness and return to nothingness before becoming something That I am a form That ideas are not forms but arise from them That fish are forms That fish are narratives We must listen closely to the stories fish tell, are telling |