Contributors to SCAN (Science/Art Network) were asked to respond to images in some way connected to the brain, in a Rorschach kind of way. I've always thought that if they opened my brain, they'd find a word cloud of lyrics and lines from movies and plays and fiction. The result: "Opus 23." Many thanks to Paris Lyon, Julia Prendergast, and the SCAN team. It's an honor to have this brain matter looked into.
2/23/2022 0 Comments The Nü Gui at Live EncountersDelighted to have the "The Nü Gui" appear in Live Encounters, March 2022. Many thanks to Mark Ulyseas, the Live Encounters team, and congratulations to all the contributors.
2/16/2022 0 Comments Parentheticals II on Big City LitThrilled to see this one appear: "Parentheticals II" in Big City Lit, Winter 2022. Many thanks to the editors, and congratulations to all the contributors.
Honored to have "Mahler," a new story, placed with Home Planet News, Issue #9. Many thanks to the editors, and congratulations to all the contributors.