4/26/2022 0 Comments Live Encounters, May 2022I was asked by publisher (and photographer) extraordinaire Mark Ulyseas to edit an issue of this very fine literary journal. This is the result (link takes you to my editorial for the issue, from which you can access the rest). I was honored to have been asked, and I'm thrilled by the outcome. Brilliant work by so many--too many to mention, so I'll confine my citations to one contribution, the debut publication of the extraordinarily gifted Rafael Fajer, whose creative nonfiction, Notes from the Borderline, will become one of the critical new additions to the literature of addiction.
Delighted to learn today from an inquisitive student that the title story of my collection is online. It first appeared on the screens of the late, lamented Medulla. Here it is, hosted by Literary Shanghai. I'm honored.