Honored to have "The Wall Meditations #1" up on the screens of Lighthouse Weekly. It's from the ms-in-progress, Listening to Fish: meditations from the wet world, an essay-poem-cnf hybrid focused on the perils facing the coral reefs, their populations, and, by extension, everything else. More work from LtF appearing soon. Many thanks to the Lighthosue team, esp editors Caroline and Alice.
On Saturday, Sept 17, New York Writers Workshop launched a new series of readings at the utterly charming Underland Gallery, the vital nerve center of cultural activity in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn (conclusively supplanting Rocky & Nicky's Pizza on Colonial and Bay Ridge Ave.). Featured readers at the inaugural event were Ravi Shankar, Deedle Rodriguez-Tomlinson, and me. It was a night to remember, and to be repeated.
Honored to have this new work, "Blame It On My Youth," appear on the vaunted screens of Jerry Jazz Musician. Many thanks to editor Joe Maita and to the Jerry Jazz team. Thanks to Karrin Allyson for the haunted, deeply inhabited version of the song. And thanks to Oscar Levant/Edward Heyman for writing it.